So, for Christmas this last year anthony got me one of those back inverter machines (my Chiropractor says I "have the back of an 80 year old with back problems"). It was such a thoughtful gift and felt great on my back but I could not stand the pressure in my head from being upside down. So, in the end, we had to take it back.
So Anthony said I could use the money for whatever I wanted as long as it was to better my life(he is so sweet and thoughtful)
I have been thinking and thinking because I wanted the thoughtfulness of his gift to still be a part of my new gift.
After two months of deliberation, I finally came up with it.... I would sign up for the much talked about boot camp that the gym I go to offers.
I went to talk to the trainer about it and put my name on the waiting list because it is really hard to get into. She told me it was full but she would squeeze me in (I think because she knows my mom and dad really well) was my first day of the 10 week program. All I can say is....WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!? My arms are still shaking a bit as I am typing this. Oh man, I am dieing. *sniffle*
For those of you who watch Biggest Loser, my trainer, Katie is WORSE than Jillian (or so it feels right now) *sniffle*
So, here is to a better LIFE and a nice hot SHOWER!!!! -My arms can not take any more typing -Later. *sniffle*sniffle*
6 years ago
You can do it! I will look forward to updates
Te,he,he,he!!! I told you Katie was tough!Suck it up Carrie and good luck!
WOW!!! That will be really helpful for that marathon you are running in with Jodi. I think you are both crazy with all of that, but I love you both. More power to you woman!!!! Keep us posted on the tortures of it and how it feels. Good Luck!!!
WOW! Way to go Care! I LOVE shakey arms! Ü means my 'guns' are workin' hard... Ü
now if i can just get my knee to work better... :(
Wow! Way to go Tiger! Good luck! You're pretty tough to even consider doing it. Just one more reason to want to be you. :)(Except for the pain and the shaking arms.)
P.S. That's what I need -- someone to kick my can into shape.
Oh sweetie, Why didn't you talk to me first? I could have told you that Katie is all up in 'Yo face biz-nes'. I've watched her from a'far, in fact way, way, a'far. She the one who puts the 'scary' in scary spice. Good luck babe.
Wow, Carrie, that is great! I think you are so brave to do this. I would be way too chicken!
Don't tell me how bad it is - I was considering signing up for the program after I have my baby...keep me in the dark! I hope you stop shaking!
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