Monday, May 4, 2009

Digging in the Dirt

We decided to go all out this year and plant an all out vegetable garden this year. The kids had so much fun helping out...Kai especially loved digging in the dirt.
We planted 3 varieties of tomatoes, celery, carrots, 2 kinds of lettuce, red peppers, orange peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, green onions, walla walla onions, sugar snap peas, squash, cucumber, strawberries, pumpkins, and a few herbs for good measure.
It may be measly to some but it is quite the accomplishment for us. We will see how it goes but so far so good.


Deisha said...

That is awesome. We to have planted our vegetable and soon to be herb garden this weekend. I will have a post soon. May you be blessed with a plentiful garden - and I hope you know how to can for all of those extra's!

Cristy said...

Cute pictures of Kai gardening! You are growing such fun things and I am excited to see how everything turns out!

Britney said...

Wow! I would say with a list like that, that measly is the LAST word I would use! wowza! Good for you guys! Aren't you excited to watch it grow and produce something usable?! That is my favorite part! Very cool for your kids to get to be a part of it!

The Campbell Clan said...

We are just a little jealous of such a great garden! How fun to have a great space to make your own little organic haven! :) I am impressed Kai wanted to get dirty! Yay Kai! Master planter!

auntieC said...

I'll bring the salad dressing. I'll even help weed. sounds yumm-o