Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween means lots and lots of PARTIES!!!!

It is a good thing that I have three children....otherwise, I doubt I would get invited to so many Halloween Parties...
and that would be a shame.

The first party of "season" was at Kai's preschool which is also a Lutheran church and so our family was invited to their Living Savior Harvest Festival....

Maya was a fairy princess...

Kai was SUPERMAN!!!....

making their treat bags...

Then we went to the Harvest Party of a family that is in Maya's first grade class. The Walker family has a couple of acres with some horses, a pony, a trampoline and a huge playhouse...
oh yeah,
and LOTS of food.
Need I say, the kids had a blast...

Addie was a Witchy-poo...
And then there were the class parties.
Maya's first grade Halloween Party...
and Kai's Preschool party...
and then, of course, the Ward PARTY!!!....
I was flying solo (in the parent department) and so I didn't get as many pictures as I hoped.
and this was all before Halloween.


Jen and Kent said...

I think I have been in a sugar coma for a week now. Tommorw it is all going in the trash. Ü Your kids looked always!

Britney said...

So fun! You had some serious partying to do!!! {I LOVE the fairy princesses flowery headpiece! So cute.} Everybody looks so cute. What a great looking family!