Monday, November 9, 2009

Just Juicy....

Maya 1st grade...
Kai Preschool...


just so Addison wouldn't feel left out, here is her most recent HomeSchool portrait....

like I said,



Nan Campbell said...

How Adorable is that?! Such cute pictures!!! Did I mention what I want for Christmas?!!

Carrie said...

no...what do you want for Christmas, Mom?

Britney said...

Those are some really really really cute kids! It figures -- look at their parents! :)

Cristy said...

Such great pictures Carrie! Maya looks so grown up! I am curious - what did Addie get into that was blue? Were you finger painting?

Carrie said...

oh no Cristy...NOT finger paint. She found a blue stamp pad. Apparently she thought it looked good on her and tasted good.
It is a good thing I love that child like mad.

The Campbell Clan said...

SO CUTE. Maya you are gorgeous! Kai--those eyes never looked so good and Addie, well the blue stamp pad joy says it all. Love the post Carrie.

Nan Campbell said...

5x7 pictures of all my cute grandkids in white picture frames for my bedroom!♥♥♥

Carrie said...
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