A few weeks ago I asked Kai what kind of party he wanted for his birthday and he first said, "a lots of candy and cake and bacon party." After I explained what a "theme" was and assured him that no mater the theme, he could have all the candy, cake, and bacon that he wanted, he then decided to have a FIREMAN PARTY.
We started the day off with one of our little family traditions by going out to breakfast in our p.j's.

The party was so much fun. A few of Kai's friends came and we lit it up fireman style.
The refrigderator box firetruck and firestation were a HUGE hit.....
Anthony took all the kids outside for some fireman training. He put them through a warm-up with some excersises and then had them each run an obstacle course. They loved it.
I had a great time making Kai's fireman truck cake. This cake was MUCH easier that the castle cake I had made for Maya's party. That one gave me far too many nightmares. ugh!
The pinata's are always a hit...(get it, a HIT) :)
Kai was thrilled to open up all his presents...
Later that evening we had a wonderful BBQ/party with the family at Nana and Papa's house. It was such an amazing time just chillin on mom and dad's beautiful back porch, eating dad's amazing BBQ chicken and enjoying great company. It is so good to know how much our Kai boy is loved.
This is the cake that Auntie Cheryl made for Kai Boy. SO CUTE!!! and then my camera died......bummer!