Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Graduate

Our little Kai boy is growing up and just graduated from Preschool.
He now has bigger fish to fry in Elementary School.

When I asked him if he was excited to go to Kindergarten his response was "Oh yeah!...Preschool is too easy and BOR-ING."

That's our Kai boy.

Kai with his amazing teachers, Mrs. D'Amato and Mrs. Warner...

Kai with his Nana and Papa...

After the graduation ceremony they had a Celebration Party for the preschoolers with a bunch of games and prizes to be won. Kai was gracious enough to let Addison join in on the fun...

Showing off his self portrait work-of-art....
Watch out Kindergarten....Here comes KAI!!!!


Britney said...

He's so stinking cute.