Friday, April 9, 2010

Staycation Part #2 (the Tramp)

Last summer our kids spent so much time outside burning of energy and having a blast on our beautiful trampoline. So, when the trampoline finally ripped at the end of the summer, it became my #1 priority to find a new one. I finally found a good deal on craigslist awhile ago and during spring break Anthony finally had some time to put it up. The kids could not have been more excited.

Maya couldn't contain her emotions. She just had to show her love for the Trampoline.....

All the kiddios helping Anthony set 'er up....

Waiting patiently for the final go-ahead....

The Tramp and I have a deal....It will promise to give my kids hours of fun and get them all sweaty and worn out and I, in turn, will keep providing it with lots of company.


The cost of one used trampoline on craigslist.....$80.
The cost of hours of entertainment and exercise for a the kids this summer....PRICELESS!!!


Robyn said...

What?! $80?! Unreal. That has got to be one of the best scores on craigslst I have heard of! Nice one.