Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting Wet

After Spencer's graduation we went out to eat at a nice restaurant. Just by the restaurant was a duck pond and a little water feature.

Addie was not walking last summer and so she didn't really get to do much as far as getting wet goes. I thought it would be fun to see if she would like the idea of getting a LITTLE wet.

Turns out she does.

It took a little while for her to warm up to the idea but she eventually ended up getting soaked.

When you have nowhere to change a sopping wet toddler, you improvise....


The Campbell Clan said...

SO cute Carrie! I love the video of Addie just eating up the water and loving it! I hope to get my pics up from it soon too. Thanks for being around for such a great day. We love you!

Robyn said...

So cute! She is precious. Love that baby tushy! Too bad rolls and dimples aren't so cute on adults!!

Britney said...

So cute! I love those walk-in fountains. I have always wished Provo had something like that!

hee hee nakey nakey baby tushy! She is so delicious!!!

Congrats to your brother! What a great accomplishment!

auntieC said...

FULL MOON...over Portland! And it was the cutest full moon I've seen in awhile !!!

Thanks for the pic's. They made mw smile on a hard day :)